Tw: abortion
I haven’t been myself. I found out I was pregnant 3 weeks ago and 100% didn’t want it. We’re in a pandemic, I just retired from sex work, I’ve been in my relationship barely 2 months. On top of that, it was the most miserable pregnancy on planet fucking earth
I was puking everything up, constantly in pain, bleeding to the point where it wasn’t normal anymore, feeling sad and stupid. I ended up humanizing the fetus even though I was aborting it. I started talking to it, calling it “bean”. I still stood by my decision to not have it
I was very sad, but relieved. I was incredibly lucky to be able to do the procedure. Come to find out, it was a high risk pregnancy and I likely would not have carried the fetus to term anyway.
I am lucky to be alive. I am lucky that enough people were pro choice that I got to make this decision today. I would not have been alive/child wouldn’t have had good life. Just wanted to spread awareness I guess.
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