For our latest article for @sljournal, we chose the tool @genially_en to demonstrate how interactive images can be used to help guide Ss through a close reading of memes. With that in mind the meme we featured in this activity was selected intentionally, b/c it was designed...
to spread #misinformation about #COVID19 and xenophobia. Our research for this piece revealed that not only are memes a favorite tool used by those who wish to spread hate but also, recent studies show that many young people see memes as reliable sources of "quick news." This...
combination of factors only increased our resolve to create discussion around how memes must be included in our current #medialiteracy efforts. Many Ts already have Ss create their own memes to demonstrate understanding; we think those experience as meme creators can only...
help learners when they switch hats to that of digital detective. We often think of memes as just funny images added to posts, but the truth is, they are serious business: both for those who create them and those who are influenced by them. Having said all that, if creating...
interactive images isn't right for your Ss, @dhudgins and I also created a lower tech option to help guide kids through the process of analyzing these ubiquitous sources of info. We hope you find these resources useful:  #factVSfiction #digcit #RU515
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