ok ok ok more people want the tea than I thought so imma just tweet it. I will not be disclosing names for that is slander and i’m not about to catch a CASE. so here is my fun thread about a boy, let’s call him marvin. marvin seemed like a nice guy.
he slid in my DMs, I lowkey ignored it bc that’s my thing u know? then we matched on tinder and I was like ok maybe it’s fate???? is the lord blessing me with a man finally???? he was cute enough, not like super my type but like i’m not a superficial bitch so 🤷🏼‍♀️
we start talking and he seems like he’s sane, he’s funny and not gonna lie a bitch got her hopes up. so he asks me to hang out and I was like ok sure why not???? I get to his house and everything is going well, homeboy has a cute lil house it wasn’t dirty or full of drugs
that first time we hung out was great I thought he was great I was optimistic everything was chill and I thought cool awesome love this for me. THEN we start getting to know each other a little more and like talkin about past relationships and such.
the way he talked about his ex was an immediate red flag. what I gathered is, she was unhappy and left. good for her!! no games, no lies!! she was honest about her feelings and he was ANGRY like still a very fresh wound to him. I was not a fan of this.
so I made the mental note and moved on. no one is perfect right? so we hang out a second time and he made me dinner (aw cute) but he wouldn’t stop talking about it like “oh bet no one has made you dinner before” blah blah so that also presented itself as a red flag.
my ex used to do the same thing, they do something nice and then never shut the fuck up about it or hold it over ur head. it’s a power move and I did not like it. but again, no ones perfect. I stayed over (dumb bitch move) and it was maybe a couple days after I ended it
because home boy sent me a tiktok making fun of special needs people. EW do not like, unsubscribe BYE. so this happened:
so I ended it bc yikes, he tried to dm my friend and hit on her and there were too many red flags. so he still tried to talk to me and then thIS HAPPENED. reminder: I HUNG WITH HIM LIKE TWICE????
also i’m sorry I forgot to edit his name out the first time OOPSIE but it’s fixed we’re good pls disregard. so homeboy got my ADDRESS from SNAPCHAT. so now I think my ass is gonna end up on dateline. I repeatedly had to tell this guy I didn’t want to talk to him like????
he also continued to talk badly about his ex and I found her on twitter and she is a LOVELY girl and so I was favoriting her tweets and he NOTICED????
so a couple days go by and he will not stop talking to me so: we decide to be friends (more like he suggested it and i’m nice so I was like ok)
come to find out he is talking to another girl so I get kind of butt hurt not gonna lie? so I blocked him on everything and THIS MF MESSAGED ME ON FACEBOOOOOOOK trying to apologize and it ended like this:
but wait: THERES MORE. someone sends me this fucking tweet and this is why I am a n g r y like homeboy you did not friend zone me. I told u I was done MULTIPLE TIMES. so: he can stay mad and i’m sorry this probably wasn’t as exciting as everyone wanted it to be hehe
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