I'm bullish on Biden in Florida. It's still slightly R-leaning, but in a D-leaning environment, it's quite winnable. https://twitter.com/SteveKornacki/status/1253022635799306243
People take the wrong lesson from 2018. Most of the state wasn't "wave-proof,” as this @mcimaps map of Clinton->Nelson performance shows. The wrinkle was that DeSantis/Scott were stronger with Hispanics than Trump.
Three areas moved right & cost Dems in FL in 2018:

1. Southwest FL (conservative Midwestern transplants)
2. Orlando area (Puerto Ricans)
3. Miami-Dade (Cubans)

Only the first of those is likely to hold in 2020.
As @mcimaps writes here, Miami-Dade’s became predictably less blue in the midterm (thanks largely to Cuban-American precincts). But don't be shocked if Biden breaks Clinton's record for biggest margin there in 2020. https://mcimaps.com/what-went-wrong-in-miami-dade-county-in-2018/
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