CW for shotacon, incest, NSFW, transphobia/trans fetishism and shotacon/pedophilia in thread. NSFW imagery has been censored.
Thread to bring to your attention that @sugarnziles (also @cinnalando) draws and supports incest + shotacon, and fetishizes trans women/intersex people.
This post is not intended to perpetuate harassment towards Nick. He has a large following, and many of his followers likely are unaware that he supports and creates this kind of content, especially because he is hypocritically opposed to it on his main account (more in thread).
This is to make those people aware, so they can unfollow/block if it makes them uncomfortable to support or follow an artist that is into this type of content.
His NSFW side account is sparse since it's new, but the content/things he's said on it are telling on what he supports.
CW incest.
Cropped image shows porn of his two original characters, who are siblings. Has also RTd NSFW of two characters that are not only cousins, but are underage (16).
CW shotacon, pedophilia, implied NSFW of underage characters/minors.
Said he'd love to draw shotacon of two child characters from Animal Crossing and RTd a comic where a 10 year old character from South Park works as a prostitute.
CW transphobia, fetishization of trans women/intersex people.
Nick has drawn porn of female identifying/presenting characters with penises, referring to it as "futa". Futa/futanari is a fetishistic term used for intersex people, but is commonly used to refer to female characters-
-- with DMAB genitals. Fetishizing someone for presenting as one sex while having the genitals of the other is trans fetishizing and therefore transphobic. Though Nick is female-to-male trans, he indulges in a fetish that fetishizes trans women and intersex people.
He is very hypocritical on his main account and is vocal that he is against things such as incest (first pic where he vagues a callout post accusing him of shipping Thorki, referring to shipping incest as a "foul act") and sexualizing minors (second pic).
To wrap up this thread, here is further proof that they're run by the same person if you have any doubts despite both accounts having the same art style.
You can follow @CucumberMelody.
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