Ghost stories are my favourite. Everyone who knows me has heard the story of my ghost encounter more than 3 times. I could tell it again but this one is not about me.

It's about JANE THE BULAWAYO GHOST. Here goes…
Once upon a time, not a long time ago, in a land not far away... There lived a beautiful, sexy woman named Jane

She lived, she died and then SHE WOKE UP

Some say she was a prostitute that was murdered by a client so her spirit wouldn't rest, so she came back to torment men

NAME: Jane
GENDER: Female
AGE: Legal
SEX: Plenty of times
OCCUPATION: Prostitute
DRESSCODE: Sexy and alluring
SUPERPOWER: Undeniable beauty like many Bulawayo women
RESIDENCE: Pelandaba (Number 6) Cemetery
REIGN: 1980s - 1990s
So Jane would go partying and clubbing in the city centre, Pelandaba (Number 6), Mpopoma, Old Magwegwe. Those were her joints.

Sis would get there and shut it down with her beauty nje alone.
She'd get there. Sit at the bar, order a drink and look stressed. Men love being heros so why not use that? Jane thought
As predicted, a man would come to her and utter the classic "What's a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this?"

You know how the rest goes...
Drinks later, she would say, "You think I look pretty now? You should see me with my clothes off 😉"

Man would take the bait and they leave.

I guess the man would be in a trance because in his head he'll go with her into a proper house yet they would be going into a graveyard
Onlookers said the men would take off their clothes and make sexual movements on the grave. They couldn’t see Jane so it must have been interesting to watch.

(I don't know why there were onlookers in a graveyard, at night 😅)

I would have thought it's witchcraft and RAN
Next morning, the man would wake up naked, on a grave! Imagine the horror of having spent a sinful night with a woman named Jane, only to wake up on a grave written "Rest in peace Jane"

For men whose ancestors loved them, Jane would vanish before the sex was had...
Jane was last seen in the 1990s.

A reliable source says that her family found a traditional healer who managed to appease her spririt and sent it to the afterlife.

NAME: Bongani
CAUSE: Searching for love
ID FEATURES: Dreadlocks
DRESSCODE: All white
RESIDENCE: Hyde Park Cemetery along Masiyephambili Drive around the Number 6 area.

(Why are all these ghosts around Number 6? 🤔)
Bongani would propose love to her a woman. As soon as she gives in, he would disappear. Imagine the trauma of watching your new boyfriend vanishing right before your eyes! Imagine being ghosted by a ghost!

Bongani wouldn't talk to men. He would disappear when a man got close.

Story of the UnNamed male ghost who sexed a woman to death, literally.

A woman from Pumula East was approached in a club by the ghost.

Long story short... They went outside, he paid for the whole night and they got umtshova (Taxi) to Luveve.
She said something was strange about her client’s eyes, they were whitish and blinking in a funny way. But well, in her line of work I'm sure she had serviced all sorts of 'strangers'

As if that red flag wasn't enough, the guy disappeared then reappeared at drop off.
She remembered feeling the weight of a man on top of her but she couldn’t see him

Jane-style, she woke up naked in Luveve Cemetery.

She got home exhausted from the deadly intercourse and told her sister what had happened. Then she started bleeding from her you-know-what.
Apparently, she had an allergic reaction to the spooky sexual things the ghost had performed on her.

Two days later, she died.

Her family found a nyanga to 'fix' her grave so that she wouldn't be turned into a zombie.
Reality is stranger than fiction 😅

Have you ever had a ghost encounter? Please tell us about it 😅
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