Okay! Everyone has seen Sunday's #Westworld by now, yes? Time for another deep dive thread. Spoilers ahead! https://www.insider.com/westworld-season-3-episode-6-details-analysis-explained-2020-4
In Warworld, Maeve stood right in front of yet another Mariposa Saloon copy: Taverna delle Farfalle.
There's presumably a version of this "butterfly" bar in every Delos park.

In Westworld, Maeve was the madame of the Mariposa. Then when she visited Shogunworld in season two, we saw a butterfly (aka a mariposa) outside of Akane's teahouse.
One of the host-allies Serac is giving Maeve is definitely Clementine. Here's how the #Westworld host IDs match up:

CP0124831983 — Clementine Pennyfeather
SH205817402 — ??????
HC3208173692 — Hector Escaton
HC1983012522 — Maeve Millay
We last saw Clementine's host ID in S2E9, "Vanishing Point":
We don't know what host has the ID number SH205817402, though.

Is is Armistice? Or Hanaryo (the Armistice-copy host from Shogunworld)? Those are the other two hosts who were helping Maeve last season (besides Hector. RIP).
William's therapist tells him they've used the augmented reality (AR) treatment "extensively with veterans suffering from PTSD."

That would explain the flashback of Caleb in a similar looking situation.
William's psychiatric profile says the following: "Patient shows signs of depression, anger, sleep abnormalities, paranoid delusions, and hallucinations. PTSD - Patient appears to be suffering from Survivor Syndrome, Narcissistic Personality Disorder."
This is very similar to his Delos personality profile (given to him by Ford the night his wife died, in a S2E9 flashback).

That profile classified William as a "rare occurrence" (.0072%), and said he was "persecutory" and "paranoid" and had delusions.
oops forgot to finish this thread.

SO ANYWAYS William's "synthetic" marker in his blood doesn't mean he's a host — that was just a tracker Chalores pricked him with in episode 4
I am very 👀👀👀👀 about seeing the Maze pattern being graffiti-ed out in the real world. Does this mean it's *not* the real world? Or did Arnold/Ford somehow get this pattern out there?
In the season one finale, we saw a flashback of Arnold explaining the maze to Dolores. It was born out of his theory for building an artificial mind.

"Conscioussness isn't a journey upward, but a journey inward."
This phrasing also links back to William in the current episode, who is being held at a facility called Inner Journeys.

Again: 👀👀👀👀👀
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