Immortal time bias: Follow-up began on admission date. For those treated, then, follow-up includes time PRIOR TO TREATMENT INITIATION. Thus, HCQ patients had to survive long enough to be treated, and HCQ+AZT patients had to survive perhaps even longer to be treated.

Confounding by indication: Treated patients were clearly sicker than non-treated patients. This would tend to bias in the opposite direction of the immortal time bias. So, we have the battle of competing biases. Do they cancel out? Who knows?

Timing of covariate measurement relative to treatment initiation: It is unclear WHEN time-varying factors like labs were measured relative to treatment. If variables measured after treatment initiation are adjusted for, could bias results in unpredictable ways.

Missing data- There is a ton of missing data (like >50% missing for some labs). It appears that this dealt with using missing data indicators, which is known to be biased.

Maybe the healthcare community should never have started using HCQ+/- Azithro. That would be reasonable because we never had strong evidence that the drugs work.

However, if you are using these drugs, this study is not a reason to change your practice.
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