A thread.

The police officers failed to deescalate the situation and peacefully apprehend former Army CPL Ragos. They have also acted unprofessionally; spewing threatening statements that only heightened the tension in the stand off.
But this is a fight/flight situation. And at this point, the police officer had to neutralize the pending the threat. No one at that moment knew exactly what he was trying to reach in his bag, and his sporadic behavior only made it harder for these trigger happy officers.
"bUT ThEy ShoULd HavE ShOt HiM iN ThE FoOt"

"wHy ShoOt TwiCe"

"thEy ShoULdNt HavE FiReD a FaTaL ShoT"

The prime objective of firing a weapon is to render a target completely incapacitated and unable to fight back.
Contrary to action movies, shooting in the leg would not effectively immobilize the target, and could still be able to return fire. Therefore, arguments about non-fatal shots in the leg is entirely invalid and dumb as shit.

This is merely an explanation to the question

"Bakit binaril kaagad?"
All this, while acknowledging the fact that

1. The police officers performed poorly in diplomatically deescalating the situation
2. The sporadic behavior of CPL Ragos was a contributing factor to his demise. (stating this as a fact, and not shaming the victim w/ PTSD)
3. CPL Ragos might have indeed been falsely accused of possessing a .38 caliber in his sling bag as what was stated in the police report.

4. There were opportunities for the officers to physically apprehend him as shown in the video, and yet none took the initiative.
This thread intends to shed some light on some of the uneducated opinions that lingers around this crime. There is no justification for the killing of CPL Ragos, but there is a reason why one situation led to another.

Anyway, #OustDuterte!
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