lots of folks misunderstand what rule zero is and isn't. it is simply an encouragement to have a conversation before you start your game about what the power level is. it's not a panacea to solve all of commander's problems, nor is it a response to folks who want things to change
when we say 'hey, talk to the folks at your table to see if they'll let you run a planeswalker commander', that's literally just that. a statement to provoke a conversation. sometimes, the answer is yes, sometimes it is no. but it's not a way to handwave off concerns.
r0 is a formalized way of saying look, everyone else at your table is playing mono chair tribal, and you brought thrasios and tymna, and maybe this isn't a good match and yall would be happier by checking this before you start.
when someone says hey, i think hybrid should work like this or i wish i could have arlin kord helm my werewolves deck, if your response is 'rule 0 it', you're not helping. because let's be real, you know that that person is being set up to fail and be embarrassed.
it's honestly a dick move. don't weaponize being an asshole and hide behind rule zero.
look, the rules of commander are what they are. but if you sit down at a table with me and aren't alex kessler, chances are i'm totally gonna let you play your unmander deck or your planeswalker led army. if you say hey, i wanna do this, is that cool, that's rule 0 in action.
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