They're responsible for managing an economy of course they're selling land to businesses, just because you're a fucking communist doesn't mean you suddenly have a magic fucking wand that can wave away poverty, hunger, and unemployment as far as maoists...
The maoists are involved in a civil war against a government, a government this party is a part of, what the fuck are they supposed to do if the naxalites block a rural road? Wait for them to go away???
These cheap critiques are worthless, do you have a problem with what the cpi(m) does? Be specific, when anarchists do this shit it drives me up a wall, "Stalin Killed people" OK, who? Why? Where? When?

"kerala sells land" OK, to who? Why? Don't post something up...
With no context, that's not a critique, that's not being honest, it's cheap talk removed from a proper analysis. If you had to manage a government under kerala's reality I have very little doubts you'd make many of the same decisions.
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