Hey streamers.

I've learned something during my time at my marketing agency. We work with large brands to bring them into the gaming space & sometimes that means including you guys into deals.

Consider going family friendly.
I understand profanity is a way to express yourself & is even the way your viewers express themselves in your chat.

However, by going family friendly you are then approved to work with every brand in the world.

Not being family friendly you've eliminated a lot of brands.
There are a ton of programs/events coming out because of COVID and we had to eliminate a TON of streamers because they were not family friendly.

That is lost opportunity for you & money that could easily have gone in your pocket.
I used to curse a lot & occasionally I slip, however after working with my company I'm changing how I do things.

I'm a small streamer (yes -brands still work with small streamers) & opening up every possible opportunity will help me.

It'll help you too. Consider it. :)
You can follow @MissKyliee.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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