Maybe this seems reductive but most of the people I've seen describe themselves as "dirtbag left" are just edgelords who want to recenter their work on white men and fighting with white men. At least that's what it feels like lol. I could be wrong tho. Always feels childish.
And TBH, this all just sounds like white dudes white dooding to be smart and better white dudes than each other, but maybe that's just me. I'm sure it's productive for them though I'm confused by how it applies to me. To each their own.
I find that being "woke" is becoming demonized because of how it's been butchered by, frankly, very liberal feminism. But some people have taken "wokeness" to mean literally any degree of consideration for non white, non heterosexual, non cis people.
Like, I'm a "wokescold" for thinking that people should acknowledge systemic violence against black folks. How black trans women (like me) tend to be on the receiving end of violence. For calling out those things that reinforce both of those violences I personally experience.
I've said it before, but for me, while i understand the theoretical difference between people who call themselves part of the "dirt bag left", from what I've seen it's really not that different from your standard white cis person who doesn't want to be considerate/thoughtful.
So I dunno, I hope leftist politics with slurs helps some people, I guess, but I dunno. Just feels very online to me. I could be wrong though.
I think there's a much longer conversation to be had here about politics for entertainment, not for your own personal way of guiding your own personal political thought. Why create this dichotomy of the "woke scolds" and "the dirt bag left". What does that really serve?
I guess my personal politics are a bit unclear b/c I don't particularly believe in clinging to a political label that I'd have to defend. My politics aren't really for performance nor for entertainment. I advocate for the things I'm passionate about, while keeping an open mind.
I dunno, those are unfinished thoughts but I felt like adding that on.
Like, at least for me, talking to these folks isn't different from the people who excused racism by denying it and saying it's "more about class". It's the same argument tbh, but whatever, i'm sure it's helpful to other folks.
"I used to advocate for the marginalized, and that made me a pussy. Now I say curse words on live broadcast while I minimize issues I once felt were important".

That's how it comes off to me, but whatever honestly. lol
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