My answer may seem superfluous but this is what it is:

Why just history? Today, is there any other intellectual discipline, other than theology, that tolerates the existence of God?
History, allows us to analyse what lead to this intolerance of God & tradition that we see today in atheism.
From the latter half of the 5th century BC, Greeks had started exhibiting signs of skepticism, regarding their traditions.
They started developing historical consciousness (Herodotus), and started realising that civilisations evolve out of primitive conditions and don't descend from a Satyug to a Kaliyug.
There was a kind of search for Truth among them, and the realisation that traditions are merely a false mask on the face of Truth.
This urge to unmask; to uncover the Truth, is what Nietzsche called 'Will to Truth'.
Nietzsche saw in Socrates a kind of a Will to Truth, as we later see in his disciple, Plato, a will to go "out of the cave" and observe the real form of objects. As if the objects right before us are mere shadows; masks, of the "real" objects.
Jesus, who claimed to be the son of God, was supposed to be the kind of man who came from outside the cave and so from the world of the "real" forms to liberate the cave people from their ignorance.
Christianity gave rise to these distinctions between the City of Rome and the City of God, the Empire of Rome & the Empire of heaven, such that, the latter in each case was the higher; the truer of the two forms, while the Greatest empire on Earth was just a shadow of the latter.
Christians saw Jesus as the man, who stood up against the Empire of falsehood, and to them the "real" Jesus himself became the spirit of Truth.
Rome itself bowed before Christ and converted to Christianity.
In time, this spirit of Truth, this fiend of Truth, manifested itself in the Reformation, to unmask the Roman Catholic church itself.
Even further it manifested itself in the enlightenment and gave up the belief in Jesus but maintained the belief in his spirit.
Finally, this Will to Truth manifested itself in science, Darwinism, etc. and killed Christianity itself.
This is what Nietzsche called the "The Death of God".
What do you do when the Truth you believed in kills itself? What's next?
This constant insistence on Truth that we see in all intellectual disciplines, ultimately leads one to a complete hollowness, not only atheism but also nihilism.
In opposition to the Will to Truth lies the Holy Lie, a lie told to keep the people in a state of Blissful ignorance.

The only difference here is that India being more backward as compared to the modernised West, our faith in God hasn't died out yet.
Gandhi, Nehru & Tagore could be called our 3 horsemen of apocalypse.
For what could be more Christian in spirit than Gandhism?
What could be a more godless, than Nehruvian "scientific" temper?
What purpose do Tagore's tragic short stories like The Post Office, Home-coming & "My lord, the baby", serve except for making us realise that he lived in f*cked up times?
The reason why Tagorean tragedies would never be appreciated by Nietzsche is because Tagore's corrosive powers could turn a lively energetic boy into a sickly child craving for his mother on his deathbed within just 9 pages. (Ref. Home-coming)
Nietzsche, appreciated a different kind of tragedy, the kind of Tragedy that was meant for the strong men, who could stomach it's Dionysian suffering & be redeemed in its Apolline heroism.
Not the kind which sickens little boys in both body and spirit.
In Tagore's The Post Office, the King (taking the form of Deus ex machina) sends his physician to save the dying boy Amal, but he still fails.
How Godless must Tagore have been to write something like this!
Let's not blame these 3 individuals alone for bringing Nihilism to India, these 3 weren't the cause, they were just the symptoms of the existing Nihilism. Each one of them had and still continues to have a massive cult following.
The question you asked to the history enthusiasts, is the question facing every English educated modern Indian.
The answer is, we are all bound to succumb to Atheism.
That's the real Blackpill!
But that's not the end, as long as we can call ourselves men, we still have hope.
We can still walk out of this Tagorean Nightmare if we want to. (ref. The Hungry Stones)
Nietzsche can shed some light on what we can do when we face the horrors and absurdities of existence when we look into our hollow selves.
We can either be like Hamlet and die lost in contemplation "To be or not to be" completely unable to act ...
Or we can be like Arjuna "to kill or not to kill", he makes a decision to fight and so redeems himself in the Apolline form of Krishna as his charioteer (his directing mind), from the Terrible form of the Vishwarupa.
Like Arjuna, we too can redeem ourselves from this Blackpill.
Maybe through a Will to Art, or through a Will to Action, but most likely, through both.
Not as a Holy Lie, but as the Holy Images of the Gods themselves.
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