This is complicated, but there’s def a different equilibrium in CA vs NY

In CA, depending on situation, the same party got the right of way each time

In NY, right of way is re-evaluated each time, and usually decided based on “efficiency”
For example: In Cali, if a bunch of pedestrians are crossing, & there’s one laggard, cars would sit still & let a new crop of pedestrians cross

In NY, if a break in pedestrians emerges, pedestrians stop & wave through a few cars to let them go
In CA, I would wave at a car to go first and they would get mad at me and just sit there

My reasoning was, I’m not at the curb yet, you might as well go head
On the other hand: if the sign says do not walk

In CA, everyone expects the pedestrian not to walk. So when cars have the light, they assume there will be no pedestrians

In NY, there is no reason to assume that people are going to respect do not walk if they have a chance
In LA, where a lot of roads are mini highways, I was surprised to see that they actually give tickets for crossing big streets mid block, away from the cross walk

I can’t fathom a jay walking ticket getting handed out in NY
When I first moved to CA, I would scoff at people who waited at a do not walk sign when there were zero cars coming

I’d walk past all them, shaking my head

Later, I realized: the weather’s nice. Why rush? Chill out and enjoy the sun
I eventually got accustomed to the Cali way of predictable rules and drivers deferring to pedestrians when the pedestrian has the right of way

So much so that nothing irks me more than when a Chicago driver doesn’t come to a full stop when you’re crossing
Anyway, there was a time when I thought NY style pedestrian norms were more sophisticated and flexible

But then I decided different equilibria work for different places ...

Then I went to Cairo and that equilibrium was:
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