A month ago, we asked the American College of Radiology to withdraw from the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future in @medscape

Since then, the ACR has left the group!


cc @AugieLindmark @micah_johnson_
If you aren't familiar with The Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future (PAHCF), PAHCF is an industry-sponsored campaign that is committed to stopping any expansion of #Medicare such as #Medicare4All, a #PublicOption, or Medicare expansion.
To do so, PAHCF has funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars into ads full of misinformation. For example, in one ad, PAHCF claimed a #PublicOption would reduce choice when it would, by definition, do the opposite: adding another choice for people on the market
Unsurprisingly, these misleading ads also fail to disclose that they are largely sponsored by private insurance trade groups and pharma companies – influencing public opinion while obscuring their own financial interests.
So we applaud the @AmerMedicalAssn and @RadiologyACR for upholding the professional standards of of the physicians they represent (to present information accurately and disclose CoI) by leaving the PAHCF. Unfortunately, @AANSNeuro, @CNS_Update, & @VOS_hq are still involved
Now, you don’t have to scroll through my feed very long to see I believe in #MedicareForAll. I am not alone. @JordanRook1, @foxycycline, @JamesRBlum, & I found that 71% of #MedicalStudents support #SinglePayer
@PNHP @PNHPNYMetro @himmelhandler

Now more than ever, #COVID19 shows us the fragility of linking health insurance to unemployment. In @AnnalsofIM, @himmelhandler estimate >7 mil people could lose health insurance in the next months when they lose their jobs because of this pandemic. https://bit.ly/AoIM_HI 
Still, it is inevitable that physicians will hold diverse views about healthcare reform. But doctors ought to adhere to professional standards like disclosing financial conflicts of interest and presenting evidence truthfully when they enter these debates. PAHCF does not!
And nobody in healthcare should spread misinformation to block needed reforms. Yet, right now, while hospitals need every resource to fight #COVID19 and protect their staff, the American Hospital Association ( @ahahospitals) continues lobbying w/ PAHCF. That's unacceptable!
The @ahahospitals needs to leave the Partnership for America's Healthcare Future. They should be fighting #COVID19, not fighting reform! #CallingtheAHAUP

@awgaffney, @Kaytlin1993, @PNHP, @PNHPNYMetro, @AugieLindmark, @micah_johnson_, @snahp_national, @madleyrachel
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