actually when you’re in a depression or anywhere near it, you can’t really function, you can’t really control yourself, your actions, your words sometimes. people who REALLY are /nearly/ depressed don’t use it as an excuse.
sometimes they wish they could change their attitude towards people, they wish they could be there for people, talking to them in a normal, chill manner, but sometimes it’s not working. it’s all different for different people, but i’ve been there too, and during my experience
I thought I would lose every single person in my life. I was unbearable, I couldn’t control my emotions, actions, and it all looked like I treated people like shit or took them for granted and never was afraid to lose them. that’s how bad I was acting.
it’s not that i was like “HELLO I HAVE A DEPRESSION IM IN A BAD MOOD LEMME RUIN YOURS TOO”, no. it’s really so hard to act chill. really hard.
if any of my friends read this thread, i wanna say sorry for acting like lil shit, i never meant to hurt any of you and i love u
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