I don't tweet much about my true passion (education equity) much but Americans let me tell you. You think the persons who sat down and decided that education would be funded based on property taxes decided that by accident?
They sat down and basically said your access to education funding/resources are only as valuable as the land you own in a country where landowners were/are primarily white and you think it's an accident?
It's literally sickening to imagine the generational damage caused by such disgusting policy. Parents can't help their kids because they were also educated by that same lame system that put their land value over their educational capacity. It's a vicious cycle.
You really have to be self sufficient and hardy to get past that nasty trap. It takes a lot to rise above it so I don't really bash people that don't know or understand how to help themselves because it's been set up that way.
At no point did American leadership come together to say hmm we have more poor people than rich people and if the poor people get better education the country as a whole improves. They're more concerned with gate keeping wealth than improving their own country. You HAVE TO LAUGH.
anyway that's my short rant for the day. Be kind to each other and share resources you have especially if they're free (especially to poor people). You can affect generations without even knowing it.
and I sat through a speech by Geoffrey Canada (founder of Harlem's Children Zone) at a conference were he highlighted a story of him teaching a Harvard class and asking them if they were so smart why did they need more funding than anyone else?
Shouldn't just as much if not more funding go towards the poor/disenfranchised who need the resources? And i bet those kids were shook cuz duh it's only common sense. but lemme stop my rant cuz I could literally write a thesis on this
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