hey baes i bought €20 worth of flower seeds n imma start a thread bc im excited 😏 i will add later on when i start planting yaas they should arrive in 3-5 days
1. canterbury bells !! these r so pretty i actually planted a bunch last week in a diff color but i am doing a pink/purple/white color theme for my new garden :D
2. hollyhock chater's salmon !! i think this is my fav flower of the bunch it is SOO PRETTY WTF
3. sweet william pink beauty !! not in love w this one but i was like whateva its less than $2 we move
5. poppy peonies !! today i learned there is a type of poppy named after peonies even tho they r diff types of flowers
6. hollyhock chater's mixed !! it's a mixed coloring seed bag and they get v v tall (180cm/6ft !!) crazy :D
7. foxglove dalmation peach !! these r special apparently F1 means they r hybrids anyway slay dog flowers also they r poisonous to humans
8. mixed foxglove !! its p much the same as the one before just a bunch of diff colors
4. lupin - russel's hybrid mix !! nice colors good in shade periannal everything slay
9. lupin dwarf/minarette !! who doesnt love baby flowers MWAH also i wanted to reach the free shipping level
10. larkspur giant pacific !! i think they r more commonly called by their scientific name delphinium in the us! i love blue flowers i always need MORE
end of thread !! <3 i only bought seeds i can plant rn ... let's see how it goes amis :D 🌱🌸 wish me luck !!
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