I have a concern. Actually, a couple of them.

A thread 👇.
Preamble: I try as hard as I can to remain apolitical online, as well as in real life. As a full disclosure I've been a registered Independent for most of my life and have voted for at least three parties in the past on various levels.

I don't have a party dog in this fight.
I won't pretend to be an economist, epidemiologist, or any other title starting with "e" above my pay grade. I happen to believe (based on antibody studies) that Covid is already widespread and beyond trying to contain any longer, which is related but not limited to my concern.
That said, the thing that I'm greatly concerned about on multiple levels is the loss of work NOW and the future loss of incentive for work LATER. This manifests in the obvious economic shut down currently, and the supposedly proposed future heavy direct payments in the future.
From a Forbes article, the next stimulus package would include $2,000 per adult plus $500 per kid (capped at 3 kids) paid monthly - for either 6 months or up to 12 months, and maybe longer.

For our family, that is $66,000 annualized. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanguina/2020/04/21/second-stimulus-payment-proposals/#6d9fd40e15d8
My concern is once you start this, it's going to be incredibly difficult to stop it. These payments could easily become an expected entitlement, and erode people's desire to resume working. Something we're seeing now (to a smaller degree) with the enhanced unemployment pay.
I believe humans are created to work. Plain and simple. People find meaning in their work, purpose, and satisfaction. As a Christian, I don't believe work to be punishment after the Genesis fall - work existed immediately after creation. And it was deemed Good.
But even if someone doesn't share my Christian worldview, there has to be a level of concern for this type of nationwide welfare-type support. Our economy is built on people working, and being incentivized for that work. Giving this level of payment could permanently erode that.
I share the belief of others that one time gifts can over time - if not properly managed - lead to life time dependency.

This evolves from appreciation ➡️ anticipation ➡️ expectation ➡️ entitlement ➡️ dependency (head nod to Bob Lupton)

I'm not necessarily proposing any action here (although I have with my legislators), but I am proposing that we need to carefully think about the potentially permanent payment system that could ensure.
Yes, a lot of people are hurting (physically and financially), but we need to think critically about future ramifications of some of the things being proposed.
Again - I'm not an economist or epidemiologist ... I'm just an observer who is slightly weary of the slope we're stepping on, and someone who hasn't seen a lot of public chatter about this idea.

/end of thread
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