Now that academics are going through a steep learning curve working with tools like zoom, teams, etc., isn’t this an excellent preparation for post-crisis conferences? Let’s reduce our flying, and meet online.
I see a lot of benefits: no flying, less transport, no visa issues, no hotels, less costs, possibility of more frequent meetings, working from your own home, better access for young scholars + scholars from Majority World.
Of course, our routines would change: probably smaller and shorter meetings, possibly more frequent meetings. Yes, also less spontaneous chit-chat, which is a pity. But idd I mention no jetlags?
You could still have a real-life meeting once in every 5 years or so. But meeting online as a routine would really be a giant leap ahead imho
Also think of our regular in-house research groups, meeting every month or so. What about synchronizing such meetings between different institutions, and have joint meetings online? Esp smaller groups could hugely benefit from this.
Anyway, what if this crisis with its lessons in online meeting would lead the academic world to the tipping point of a future where online international meetings will be the rule and in-the-flesh-meetings the exception?
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