LIVE NOW: Inc.'s @tomfoster2 is speaking with @mcuban about how #Covid19 is affecting business and what you can do to survive. Tune in to hear Cuban's best advice and answers to your most pressing business-related questions in this Real Talk Q&A. 
"Once we start to open back up, it won't be business as usual," says @mcuban. "It will be America 2.0. That's the greatest opportunity ever for entrepreneurs."
The advice @mcuban has given his companies: 1. Communicate with your team 2. Be totally honest 3. Be transparent. "By being authentic, people will know that you’re in this together with them."
"Every entrepreneur is going to have to be agile and ask themselves, 'In this new America 2.0, what’s something I would change in my business?'" - @mcuban
"Unless you've got something people need right now, don't sell," says @mcuban. "Just be a friend, just communicate. Saying 'hi' and just being nice goes so far. Those are the people we'll remember when it's time to start doing business again."
How does @mcuban see office spaces changing after #Covid19? "Eight hours in an office is probably as productive as three hours at home. I think there’s going to be a lot of changes in how we work." Businesses could save time and money by moving to all-remote teams.
Mark Cuban's best advice for increasing productivity: "I'll tell you exactly what I've done the last 20 years: I don't do meetings or phone calls."
"For small business owners, you’ve got to understand [AI]," says @mcuban. "In terms of your decision-making as a business, or making pricing decisions, there’s so many ways AI can impact your business."
Business owners should be transparent and honest with their teams, says @mcuban: "Incorporating your employees in everything is the best idea. For any entrepreneur, you start a company and it’s your baby. But this is nothing we’ve seen before. This is all hands on deck."
These days, almost every company is competing with Amazon, Walmart, or Target, says @mcuban. "You‘re going to have to do something different. You're going to have to be innovative and find new ways to do things that these other companies just can’t do."
"The one thing you don’t want to be is no. 101," says @mcuban. "Everybody‘s doing the same thing. Ask yourself, 'Why do we need one more?' Come up with the things people aren’t doing yet, and do them."
There's a huge gap between the confidence of our business leaders and that of political leaders, says @mcuban. “It’s our country and we need to start supporting people from the bottom up, not the top down."
Thanks for joining our Real Talk Q&A with @mcuban! If you missed the virtual event, keep an eye on this thread for a link to the on-demand video.
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