Does our government need to borrow money to give out benefits to our citizens? I don’t believe they do. We can print money. Unlike goods we purchase from foreign companies we don’t have to pay benefits in borrowed US$.
Could it be inflationary to print money? Possibly, but it isn’t likely at this time with very little inflation and a risk of deflation.
Could printing Canadian $ lead to a devaluation of our currency? Maybe, that would definitely have a negative impact on the cost of goods we have to buy from other countries and cost us more to service debts we must repay in foreign (usually US$).
A lower Canadian $ will help our exporters to be more competitive. It may encourage us to buy Canadian goods and shop at home. Both positives in my mind.
This thread is mostly me thinking out loud. I am trying to get a handle on the implications of all of @JustinTrudeau ‘s benefit packages. One thing I am pretty sure of people need help now.
If you have constructive ideas about the impact of the benefits being paid to get folks through this crisis then I am interested in hearing your thoughts. Not interested in verbal bashing and will block
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