Almost exactly two years ago I decided I was going to leave my home country

Back home I was:

❌In toxic social circles
❌Partying too much

Frankly, I was going nowhere... Except maybe an early grave.
I knew I had to escape the life I was living.

I had some savings and was earning amounts here and there online

I decided I was going to move to India

I love the country, have friends there and the cost of living is low.

Two years later, I have NEVER been in a better place
I am:

✔️Rarely drink
✔️Back at the gym
✔️No toxic environment
✔️Have a loving GF
✔️And more than anything - I'm HAPPY.

You know how they say you have a turning point in your life?

I am certain that was mine.

What was your turning point moment in your life?
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