transmisogyny is part of rape culture and you can't claim to support survivors while simultaneously denigrating trans women as sexual predators 🤷‍♀️
bodies viewed as disposable and beastial are always simultaneously framed as excessively sexual/dangerous and too permissive because it justifies their exploitation/violation under rape culture
if you think discourses around sexual violence and rape culture only applies to cis women and afab people, you're perpetuating a deeply harmful ideology that ignores sexual and gendered violence as a core praxis of transmisogyny
many of the folks who say "believe survivors" and claim to not work with/support folks who enact sexual violence only apply those logics when the victim is cis - often including other queer and trans folks - because of how deeply internalized transmisogyny is
if the only time you invoke claims of protecting survivors is to denigrate trans women while simultaneously engaging/uplifting folks who've enacted sexual violence/gendered violence, you're not working to dismantle rape culture: you're solidifying it's relation to transmisogyny
weaponizing the language of sexual violence against trans women is a core component of historical and modern transmisogyny so if you're going to sincerely engage in the work of resisting/transforming sexual violence, you need to account for it
extremely tired of seeing folks claim to be advocating on behalf of survivors of sexual violence while ignoring the sexual violence enacted by their friends in order to push trans women out of public spaces, discourses, and life
imo the real work of transforming sexual violence is multilayered, context specific, deeply nuanced, and requires us to meaningfully engage with complex notions of harm, accountability, and community action without reducing it to a simple binary of "predator" and "everyone else"
the reality is that everyone is in relation to rape culture and sexual violence: it's an incredibly permissive and deeply engrained set of context specific belief systems that anyone (yes, even other trans/queer ppl) irrespective of age, race, gender, etc can enact
that's why we need to be able to talk about it without relying on transmisogynist, racist, ableist, or other oppressive frameworks because it's never one person who enables it to function: it's an ecosystem of harm that we're all differently entangled with.
for me, as a trans women, the most painful parts of my experiences of sexual violence and assault have been the transmisogynist responses of the community + friends around me that either blamed me for what happened or found ways to excuse/justify/minimize my assailant's actions
also apologies for not cw this thread: I saw some things which set me off and didn't process my rant fully before responding.
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