I cannot believe this isn't posted EVERYWHERE. I think it reads like a wild maniac wrote it. Seriously. https://twitter.com/argyle_sox/status/1252991390474256384
I mean...do they have some special insight into something that the entire rest of the world does not have? They, the university, will do contact tracing? How? And the bald ugliness of "80% of our students are young" should actually be illegal?
I...there is no way this isn't a flagrant ADA boondoggle. I just...wut.
Listen, I was one of the first people to say that I can imagine a modified on-campus return for some colleges in the Fall. But this is not that. From the outset they argue that they'll plan to return with their usual student pop numbers. WUT
This is WILD and irresponsible and shows just how deeply compromised Purdue is by its ridiculous privatization schemes and nutty political appointments.
This is when the jig is officially up. That natural immunity line is pure 100% Fox News Trumpism.
This is so ugly and cruel (and generally untrue at the "age" level of abstraction, by the way) that in a world where the United States wasn't being held hostage by radical death cults, it would be immediate grounds for social and political censure.
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