Thinking about the time that D*n R*dricks approached me at Artscape while I was canvassing for National Nurses United to lecture me about why a union would be bad for Hopkins/he didn’t believe things were as bad as nurses said while wearing his Bmore Sun Union sticker
Cognitive dissonance at its best, folks
He even went so far as to ask me if any major newspapers had written about it basically saying he couldn’t verify if the claims were credible, and I handed him the WaPo article about it I was holding and told him that the paper he works for had also covered it.
Iirc he also said he wasn’t allowed to have an opinion on it because he’s a journalist and used that to shut down further conversation.
I truly wonder if he honestly thought I didn’t know who he was
The worst part to me is that it’s not just that he was questioning the nurses, but that he straight up said he didn’t believe that Hopkins was engaging in things like suing their patients, cheating poor people out of charity care dollars, and driving people from their homes
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