I am a registered respiratory therapist... I have been for a decade now, and although I've seen for myself for years how we cater to big pharma. I've watched doctors scoff at holistic therapies without side effects that have been shown to work, but will instead prescribe a pill.
2. Pills that most of the time cause side effects and long term damage which can severely alter a persons way of life. They tell me I am a crazy conspiracy theorist for recommending things that are naturopathic. Why do they treat it this way? Simple. These "DOCTORS" are just
3. Puppets who regurgitate what has been Indoctrinated in them, which is to prescribe a medication or procedure to fix everything. While in reality fixing nothing.
4. But now it's even worse because they are perpetuating the scare tactic of this bull crap of a virus. I have been hearing for weeks how it's coming, it's going to be so bad, and nothing. Absolutely nothing. This is a crock of crap. And all these complicit doctors who have
5. No spine and no thoughts in their mind that were formed of their own volition. Instead, they simply say what they've been told to say, believe their books and repeat the insults their teachers told them to use when someone questions why we are being told we must do things.
6. These doctors and other healthcare workers I work with for some reason can't critically think for themselves when they are presented with the evidence which proves this is no more severe than a harsh flu...
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