
I’ve seen people here calling Paul xenophobic because of the wet market issue he discussed about but that is not the case at all.

As a long-time animal rights activist of COURSE he is condemning the unethical practices these markets do.
There was no malicious intent behind his statements, it was the truth.

His main concern was the hygiene these markets lack and the consumption of endangered species (particularly still practiced in China and most of south east Asia, I’ve seen them myself lmao).
I’m quoting a friend here:

Whenever the closedown of an unethical practice is called, working class are going to lose jobs (eg the meat industry) they have to be employed again.

It was closed down after the SARS outbreak but reopened since it was a huge economic income (1/2)
source. Wet markets that sell ENDANGERED species are sold, bought, and consumed primarily by the RICH and ELITE. (2/2)
Vox explains the basics but there are many articles out there concerning this.
I would like to point out again that IT IS THE RICH AND ELITE who CONSUME these endangered species.

These markets EXIST because of their unethical spending.
Calling the ban for wet markets isn’t xenophobic, it’s calling for the stop to unethical risky business practices.

Also Paul has called for the ban of large scale meat industries world wide. He cares for the animals involved in this,

not whoever or what country is doing this?
To quote a friend AGAIN:

Wild animals have been linked to MANY DEADLY epidemics and pandemics.

Influenza, hiv, ebola etc have been linked to contact with wild animals.

SCIENTISTS AND EXPERTS (who do NOT care about which country they are talking about) have demanded the (1/2)
shut down of wildlife sale practices and it HAS been shut down in the past. It’s the govt of the country that has reopened them (2/2).
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