!!! hello friends
i haven’t been active for awhile on this platform, my channels or in the community in general. the reasons are that i have been feeling really stressed since the beginning of this year.
i think the fact that i did not dare post any contents or interact with
my mutuals is mostly because of my low self-esteem as a content creator and a fear of rejection.
i was always comparing myself with other youtaites, i really felt like i could not meet anyone standards. i am also not a really social person i usually don’t talk in my collabs or
interact cause this fear of getting rejected or just not being good enough always gets the better of me.
also i was terrified (and still is) to not get my high school diploma, so i was even more stressed and fearful.
so the goal of this thread is not to rant or anything, but to apologies if i have ghosted anyone or just drop out of some collabs (i tried my best to finish all my cbs and some of them that are still in progress). i just was feeling low and if you’re wondering am feeling better.
i also wanted to tell some youtaite to stop comparing yourselves to other more POPULAR or TALENTED youtaite 😤i realized that some of them either have been in the community for a really long time (which is why they’re so good at what their doing) or focus on one or two things at
time. i learnt that it’s not possible to be good at mixing, animating, drawing, singing simultaneously without putting in a lot of work over a long period of time. so take your time, and realize it’s not possible to get better at all of these in one second.
so if i am not very active or receptive know that i am just feeling down and don’t take it personal ;; i am just going to take my time and go with the flow but as for now am back (idk for how long but yes) and ready to jump again in cb hell 😔🤙
i never learn
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