American media needs to stop.
Stop discussing immigration in the Right's playing field.
Stop hitting people over the head with the "economic value of immigration" and focus on the human impact.
Stop giving into dehumanization through bullshit zero-sum analysis.
A first thread.
Start with the premise that we value immigrants because they are people, just like Americans.

Not because they do the jobs that Americans are unwilling to do.
Not because they work harder than most Americans and therefore provide better economic value.
Make it a moral argument. Hit hard on the notion that restricting immigration is restricting people who are willing to suffer through an ungodly amount of bureaucracy just to get the U.S. That many of these people are willing to sacrifice their entire livelihoods to be in the US.
Then focus on history; how has history looked at countries that didn't let immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in when they wanted to be there. How will history reflect on this moment when Americans cheered at the separation of families and friends.
And then finally, if you must, step a toe into the economic argument. But know that once you budge into that territory, you are stepping into the Right's stadium because you are no longer talking about people for their value as people, but for their value as goods.
And when the Right comes back with “but aren't you just valuing the lives of immigrants over Americans - allowing them to take American jobs?”

Don't bite.

Unmask their xenophobia and respond…
“Why is immigration the policy you focus on in an economic downturn? Why not call for increased worker protections? Why not call for humane restrictions on businesses that exploit cheap, overseas labor? Why not call for infrastructure projects and economic revitalization efforts?
And if they still truly think that restricting immigration will have the most positive impact on a floundering economy, well, the economy is clearly not what they're worried about.
Finally, make it clear that no sane person wants to immigrate to the US for our "social benefits" b/c we barely have any. These people clearly want to come here to work. To be with their families and the ones they love. These people are people.
Once you've gone through all that, then show them the reams of literature that prove their economic nonsense is absolute bunk. And only then should you list off all of the great American entrepreneurs and actors who are immigrants.
Because if the footing you start on is one that values people based on the profits they can produce, you've already given up your moral ground. You've already given in to the Right's game.
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