seeing people on the modern warfare subreddit call ghosts one of the best CoD games...
also seeing a LOT of crying about pc cheaters and how crossplay should exclude pc because of it... I play on PC, and I've run into maybe ONE person with overt hacks at around 7-8 hours of playtime, 60ish games of warzone played. maybe multiplayer is different
but just sounds like mad+bad console players who think pc players are cheating because they know how to aim LOL
"he just stopped moving and aimed at a corner before i ran around it!!!"

use headphones goober

"he just autolocked my head and burst me down instantly"

learn 2 aim and use cover/dropshot/move and shoot goober
i dont wanna come off as the "lul pc mustard rice all console kiddies are casual untermensch!!" type guy, especially because i wish i had a console to play in bed because playing at my desk kinda hurts my back if i do it too much, but holy shit literally just git gud
just gonna talk about warzone in this thread because this is the first call of duty game I've actually enjoyed since like, mw3 or blops2.
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