One thing I hated in BFA that I hope they change in Shadowlands, is the fact that a Night Elven narrative seemingly only had one Night Elf protagonist. Malfurion was only there to get his ass beat (and don’t even fucking get me started on what they did to Malfurion).
Why was Genn Greymane the one who received second-in-command to spearhead the Kaldorei agenda? I get his Gilnean loyalties tied to Darnassus post-Cata, but you’re telling me is there’s only ONE Night Elf leading this narrative, surrounded by humans?
The other notable Kaldorei who DID show up were killed and turned against their people in their first appearence (which makes no fucking sense either, but I digress). I get that it’s only one expansion with so many storylines, but the way Night Elves were disrespected bugs me.
Worst possible scenario is that they make Anduin the saviour of the Night Elves while portraying Tyrande as compromised, incompetent and vicious, the way they tried to paint her in BFA. I want the Night Elf story to be resolved by Night Elves, nobody else.

Signed, a Blood Elf.
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