When you see two people quarreling, how do you identify the energy vampire/aggressor? Easy. Look at what both are producing in their lives. Really look. Not just in a material way. But the energy that they put out. Which one would benefit most from the other person’s energy?
And I need to stress the “not in a material way” part because contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a good person or a positive person to manifest material things into your life. You see wicked people manifest abundance everyday because the law of attraction isn’t bias
You could be struggling financially and have a certain light in you. A wealthy energy vampire could (and would) start problems with you to siphon your positive energy. So again, it’s not about who has more. It’s about who benefits more from the other person’s energy.
But the other way around is also true. You could be attracting a lot of abundance and success in life through hard work and positivity. Someone who puts out nothing but negativity and is stuck on a certain level in life would then try to engage in conflict to siphon your energy
Again the point: The energy vampire/aggressor is who benefits most from stealing the other person’s energy. That’s most likely who started the conflict. Even when they attempt to play victim. You have to pay attention.
This dynamic especially exists in dysfunctional family units. If you’re the black sheep/scapegoat of your family I’m sure you’ve experienced this.
This is especially devastating when the parents are the energy vampires. Because nobody will believe that they are the aggressors. Nobody will believe that they would purposely trigger their children then feed off their energy
But people with the gift of discernment can see the light that exists within the child/black sheep and it becomes obvious that the child has no reason to start issues nor drama with the parent. It’s the vampire parent who would benefit from start the issues
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