On this Earth Day let's scold the 5 biggest climate change mistakes Seattle ever made. (thread)
#5 Downzoned the city in the 1930s to Single Family zoning. This left 80% of Seattle's residentially zoned land reserved for detached homes on a 5,000 square foot lot. It left citizens no other choice but to sprawl out and buy cars which pump CO2 into the atmosphere
#4 We plowed through our city to build a high speed urban highway. I-5 and Highway 99 were colossal mistakes. They prioritized car use and killed our transit network of streetcars.
#3 The voter defeat of a subway network that would have been a federal gift and been fully completed by the 1980s and entirely paid off in the mid 2000s
#2 The voter defeat of the Seattle Commons, a project that would have transformed South Lake Union into a magnificent park. Instead, it was developed into an extension of downtown
#1 The most climate focused plan we could have ever passed as voters was the Bogue Plan. Well ahead of it's time, the plan would have built a transit network, made the city dense, made us like Paris, and none of the above mistakes would have ever happened. We voted it down
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