You don't say a person "committed" suicide, you can say they "died by suicide" instead.

When you use the word "commited", you put it in the same group as a crime, ignoring the fact that suicide usually results from health conditions like depression or even trauma.
I saw the hashtag #justiceForSeyiAkinade and his story moved me to tears, he fought and asked for help but it seemed no one was listening.

He has called to attention that police brutality does not leave its victims the same and the government has to do something about it NOW
Back to terminology:

I see people arguing in the comment section as to whether suicide is a crime or not and very few recognize the struggle that the victim usually passes through before making the choice

It's easy to reduce a person's struggle to mere words
Pay attention to the words you use, it reflects your values, both conscious and unconscious

Being judgmental prevents people suffering from mental health problems from seeking help because of the stigma

It also prevents you from recognising when someone around you needs help
You can follow @aproko_doctor.
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