Dear white professors: stop telling your junior colleagues what to avoid putting in diversity statements on job applications. If they are so incompetent, that they don't know not to say things like "racism isn't a problem in Europe" then the search committee needs to know.
You're completely subverting any value a diversity statement has in a job application if you are helping applicants to present themselves as more competent than they are.

This is how power helps power. Let the truly competent people shine through.
Where you can help is:
-- encouraging use of citations for any claims they make, just like in the research statement
-- reminding them that this is an opportunity to show their level of competence/experience
-- improving the quality of the writing
If you help people to avoid showing their true colors, you are saying that you don't care what harm that person's problematic viewpoints will do to minoritized students, staff, and faculty. And they will be harmful.

You're encouraging people to lie. It's cheating. Stop it.
I can't believe *faculty* need to be told not to help/encourage people to lie on their job applications, but of course I do because in diversity and inclusion racket land, all that matters is that you sound like you're helping, not knowing what the fuck you're doing!!!!
You can't disrupt white supremacy if you're so sympathetic to clueless white people that you will help them harm marginalized people with their cluelessness, just so they can have a job
When you help incompetent white ppl/men seem more competent than they are on issues relating to race/gender, you do so at the expense of every minority they come into contact with AND the competent minority applicants.

You help keep the academy disproportionately white.
And this, my friends, is how diversity and inclusion statements become a vehicle for structural white supremacy!
This is literally how white supremacy just keeps going
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