Real talk. This reminds me of some things I was tweeting last week.

Left is always playing the short game, right has the long game on lock.

And so many other important factors play into this, making it hard for the left to maintain solidarity and ongoing collaboration.
Here’s was I was saying last week:
On top of this, the right has:

🤨 A lack of morals (even though they hide behind the mask of Christianity)
🙄 Rugged individuality (despite being pro-life stans)
🤬 Freedom to ignore the sordid history of racial and gendered politics (despite being their tools of choice)
Worthy quote (linked the source). I would substitute corporate-conservatives with “the right” here:

“While they struggle around their differences, corporate-conservatives keep their eyes on the bigger prize: hegemonic control of governing institutions.”
By pretty much any stretch of the imagination, they’ve been damn successful at this.

And as a collective, the rest of the nation has gone along with it or made massive consessions to our own detriment.
We all operate within systems that they control.

THEY wrote the rules, WE almost always abide by them, and then they break the rules because they can. We rarely stop them.

This is why that Frank Wilhoit quote sticks with me.

There is only conservatism.
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