Had a DM from someone i follow who has suggested although she knows i am not but that i am coming off as very transphobic in recent tweets, so just to clarify to everyone, i am not nor have i ever been transphobic, telling the truth is not transphobic, stating biological facts
is not transphobic.
I have known a few transexuals over the years some i class as close friends, i follow transexuals on this and they follow me back, i am genuinely interested in their journey and experience and even enjoy a little heated debate with them now and again.
So what do i view as a transexual, it is a man or a woman who has or who has started the transition to the sex opposite of that they were born, this can be referred to as transwoman or transman, this process is years, it is lifelong drugs, it is painful surgery and mental health.
To all my transexual friends, I really hope in your journey that you find peace with yourself and find that happy place we all search for.
What i do not refer to as a transwoman is Jesicca Yaniv or Alex Drummond or any of these hundreds of men swarming about with their beards and penis claiming womanhood, identifying as a woman in my opinion takes away the genuine stuggles of transexuals, these people have no intent
on ever transitioning, i have encountered part time transwoman, yes that is a man who identifies as a woman only part of the week, i have encountered men who say "woman have beards too and if you dont like it suck my girldick"
I have encountered transwoman arguing that they now
menstruate, i have even recently read a tweet from a transwoman getting ready to take a pregnancy test and other transwoman wishing the transwoman goodluck.
I am not going to allow these people with obvious mental health problems in spaces with innocent little girls, i am not
prepared to allow these people make a mockery of what it means to be a woman, i won't sit back and let predators get access to woman and girls because it is unkind to tell a man and his penis he is not a woman, if this makes me a terf so be it.
If any of my transwoman friends feel the need for safety and dignity away from men then i get it, lets fight for spaces for you, woman will fight with you, i will fight with you but i just can't give away my rights or the rights of woman and girls safety i just cant.
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