ah…that moment when you see a whole mass of national orgs filed an amicus brief regarding the Alabama COVID-19 abortion ban and didn’t actually contact the org on the ground in the state doing the most for the people directly impacted… #dayendinginy
For those who are curious how this plays out next, there will be a mass of press releases about their involvement. Then, a day after, a mass of requests for people to give them money because they are “working so hard to help Alabama people access care."
And each of them will raise a lot of money on behalf of their advocacy in Alabama. And the patients we help every day will not see a cent of it, because @YellowFund and other abortion funds are actually funding them.
& when we start reaching out, looking for people to help us fund our policy team to change the system from inside, people will not give. Because they already did. And they did their part for us when NOW and FMF and NAF asked for donations because they filed a paper on AL’s behalf
And people will have given because they will think those groups SAVED ABORTION IN AL, not realizing that at this moment we already have our clinics open, and we are spending thousands of dollars a week making sure patients can get to them.
Anyway, evergreen reminder that going to national orgs is great but if you want to protect abortion on the ground in a particular state - based off a national orgs work in a particular state - just give to the state itself. Because a lot of the national work is lip service for $$
If they were truly concerned about the work in a particular state, they would reach out to those local orgs to include in their public work. They would lift them up with their resources rather than use their states and ignore them or cut them out purposefully.
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