Since everyone is acting like it's impossible to do a Ramadan event in Animal Crossing without pissing off Muslims all over the world, it's really not. The reason Muslims seem easy-to-anger is because the West fucks it up a lot by just... never asking a Muslim.
It reminds me of a hotel that got in trouble for trying to have a welcoming atmosphere for ideologies & religions around the world, and added Islam by printing a verse from the Quran, beautifully rendered, on the floor.

People stepping on Quranic text would be an insult, yeah.
Here, Animal Crossing Ramadan event:

- Villagers remark on Moon Month, and excitement for the New Moon.

- There are Fanous lights on Resident Service.
- NPCs & shops have extended hours or special events for evening play, and sell Ramadan-related items & garb.
[Time Specific]
- Little plaza get-togethers occur on Fridays after sunset. Going there each week gives you a small chore involving collecting fruit/fish for the meal for a reward.
- More villagers gather in small groups the hour before sunrise. They have sunrise-related text.
- The two days after Ramadan are considered Eid-al-Fitr in real life. Two days after Moon Month, there is a large celebration on the island closing out Moon Month, potentially centered around bringing enough fruit and fish to Resident Services to have a big communal meal.
There, done. Nobody that doesn't know about Ramadan has to deal with Ramadan in any meaningful way. Everybody that does know Ramadan can play, including with the hours shifted for easier evening play.

No eggs are involved.
Some of you might note that fasting is not part of this event, and the reason for that is that I would design fasting to be an (unacknowledged) choice. Muslims could thus opt to roleplay fasting in the game, and roleplay while hanging out with their villagers at Suhoor & Ifter.
You can follow @tha_rami.
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