I made some comments about the hydroxycloroquine disaster yesterday and I have several messages in my inbox and DMs that are so upsetting and disturbing from people I know personally in the public health profession in Utah.
At this point, I can't share a lot of it publicly because I haven't independently verified it but I want to know exactly how much money Utah is giving SS to run their program and use their services for this. Because the numbers I'm hearing are outrageous.
Every private/public partnership or new thing we are standing up needs to have a lot more transparency and rigor around it because it looks like a lot of shady deals are flying around.
If this whole Test Utah thing is actually on the up and up, prove it. Show us:

How much public $ is going to TestUtah and any affiliated SS company related to COVID-19?

Why are SS tests not accepting insurance and instead passing on the cost of testing to the State of Utah?
Who built their algorithm to determine which asymptomatic people are getting selected for a test? Who is auditing the algorithm?

Why was is tool not on the state's coronavirus website and are they listening to concerns from minority communities that two websites are confusing?
How are SS leaders getting unfettered access to people in the Governor's office and on the task force without oversight?

Why are SS's social media channels and press communications acting like this is a charitable endeavor when they are receiving public money for 2 sites?
And those two sites are on the Wasatch Front where we have the greatest access to healthcare and testing. Why?

If public money is being spent, how are we ensuring it's spent equitably and are they following guidelines from the health department about cultural competency?
How are the tests SS are running being screened or assessed for accuracy? How many tests are returning positive? Do the people administering the tests actually have relevant medical experience? Do the people actually running the samples have molecular lab experience?
Here's what they've received so far:

Domo - $2 million
Qualtrics - $1.245 million
NOMI Health - $600,000 monthly for each testing tent. It's unclear if that also counts the $50 for each test they run that they aren't billing insurance for.
They are expanding this program to other states. If you live in Iowa or Nebraska, you'll soon see it coming along with the cash outflow. https://twitter.com/misskubelik/status/1253028546508980225
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