This is a LONG read. Your time taken to READ it is VITAL. I used to think @GOP chose donald in SPITE of his criminality & corruption. Now I believe they chose him BECAUSE of it. @GOP KNEW they would OWN him & then get to do WHATEVER they wanted. donald isn't running things. /1
He's just their Idiot Psychotic Kremlin Owned Mascot. They love how unhinged he is because they KNOW everyone (MEDIA) will pay attention to that & not what they're doing behind the scenes. Look to @senatemajldr & his GHOSTING of >400 BILLS for ONE example - ALSO Kremlin OWNED. /2
@CIA and @FBI need to STOP protecting themselves & START protecting AMERICA. We CANNOT SUSTAIN another four years of donald. Shit, we may not make it to November. PLEASE read EVERY word of that interview. PLEASE. Then, bombard @CIA & @FBI like donald bombards us with LIES.
I know I'm small potatoes, as they say. But if YOU tell two friends, and THEY tell two friends, and so on, maybe, just MAYBE, something will actually happen. We've all been screaming about it for >3 YEARS. We've all KNOWN donald's a f*cking corrupt CRIMINAL. Spread the word!!!!!!
BTW, if you're "liking" the first post in this Thread right away, that means you DIDN'T READ the interview. PLEASE READ THE INTERVIEW.
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