TW// Pedo/Pedophile mention

Why pedophiles are fucking disgusting| A thread

Honestly, I never thought I'd be more pissed at pedophiles/maps than I am now. They're already disgusting, and now I hate them even more than I thought I ever could.
Recently, I've seen and experienced pedophiles comparing their liking towards children the same as autism, saying that 'Autism is having something wrong with you, and so is being attracted to minors.'

First of all, shut the fuck up. Just shut the fuck up, honestly.
Pedophilia is having something wrong with you. But it's not some sort of mental condition that you were born with, and honestly can't help.

But autism is. You're born with it, and you have to live the rest of your life as being autistic. But having autism isn't something bad
It's not at the same level as pedophilia. Autism isn't disgusting unlike those disgusting fucking gross ass pedophiles, and it can't be helped.

But that's okay!! It's not wrong to have autism!

What is wrong is comparing it to liking children
I honestly cannot understand for how stupid someone can be to try and put it on the same level.

Pedophilia IS wrong, and anyone who is a pedophile or a pedophile supporter should be shot on sight. People are accepting people who like children!! CHILDREN!!!!!!
People support them being PROUD to announce that they like 7 year olds, romantically, and/or sexually. Either way, it's disgusting.

Those people have a desire to fuck children, and you think that's okay? Who the fuck do you think you are?
I've noticed that those who support pedos have an excuse.

"They don't act on what they want! So it's okay!"

No it's not. It's not at all. They may not be acting upon it now, but, they still look at children with lust in their eyes.
They still look at children, wishing to do god knows what to them. They still have the desire to do horrible things to those children. And you think it's still okay just because they're not doing it now?

Who's to say they won't in the future?
Even if they don't act upon their desires in the future, it's still wrong.

And it disgusts me for how they're proud of it. They proudly announce for how much they love kids. Yet they turn their backs around and try to act innocent and sugarcoat the situation.
They always want to sugarcoat their disgusting desires as if it's not wrong. And I hate them for it. Try to make it as a sexuality and saying "Oh boo hoo I can't help it!"

Cry some fucking more.

Pedophiles/Maps will always be disgusting and wretched.

End of thread.
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