Anyone saying open up to get back to work should have to sign a waiver that would deny them any emergency aid and medical care. We get it, you know the risks. We also know you're a selfish shitlord that has no qualms endangering others.
Be angry the system is failing you, certainly. A fair bit of this are aspects the left have been trying to bring to light to years now. Be mad big businesses raided the small business cookie jar. Be pissed Trump fired the oversight and delayed checks just to get his name on them.
But also realize you're more than just a job. Don't let them convince you that you're disposable just to line the pockets of those that don't give a shit about you. Realize we need UBI, and not just for pandemic relief. Realize we need healthcare that isn't a for-profit system.
Realize the people who HAVE been working now have been shit on financially and ideologically for decades now. Don't take your anger out on them by being willfully ignorant, because that's what happens every time someone downplays the risk of this virus.
We most definitely should not be aspiring to get back to normal. We should striving to be better than we were. It's going to be hard. It may look ugly at times. You're not being told to stay home as some sort of fuck you or infringement of rights.
People, including total strangers, want to see you on the other side of this. Unless you continue to subscribe to the notion that it's all bullshit. Then we're back to my original tweet in this thread. Watch TV. Play games. Read a book. Learn to draw. Clean your house.
Masturbate to clowns for all I care. Do whatever within your own 4 walls to keep you safe and sane. Just don't put others at risk because you've convinced yourself you're a hero for standing up to science, fact, and even history (See: Spanish Flu).
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