I’m reading the @RulesDemocrats proposed change to the House’s standing order to allow proxy voting on the floor on COVID-related matters and teleconference remote deliberations for committees and it is surprisingly good. https://rules.house.gov/sites/democrats.rules.house.gov/files/BILLS-116hresPIH-remote.pdf
It is a temporary rules change called a standing order. It
1/ Allows proxy voting on the floor through a complex mechanism, but only after the Speaker designates an emergency. It only allows that voting on COVID-related matters.
2/ Restarts the committees, who will teleconferece
3/It sets up a working group to deal with pandemic issues, especially tech, in the future, and requires a final public report.

It has 1 possible flaw: non-COVID matters like approps and ndaa cannot be considered on the floor under this provision. And it rules out rules changes
In other words, If the House wants to consider appropriations on the floor it would have to return. That bill is not permitted to be considered on the floor as it is not covid-related and the rule doesn’t allow to change House rules to let such a measure be considered.
It is notable how far things have come in the last two months. From no no no to getting committees back to work and getting the House kinda working.
Some big questions:

Where is the Senate?

Where are House Republicans?

What about non-COVID matters?

How does this affect the House schedule?
You can follow @danielschuman.
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