you know how a lot of the people who consider themselves "tradcath" online are not even properly catholic, merely in love with the harshest strain of it? what's the left version of that
they tend to set themselves up as theologians, pronounce confidently on the errors and illegitimacy of the recent popes, etc. but one doesn't see them in church. none of the catholic workers know them etc
sometimes such people even convert. but I think they do so only out of stubbornness. it's all a game of chicken with the people they want to scream at online
it's alright, I'm not catholic either. I went to church a bit as a child, and even occasionally as an adult, but I am not nor wish to be in good standing with the church.
it's very annoying to stand near these people and be subjected to their basically territorial aggression. the one thing that is unforgivable is to know something about what they claim to represent and not to be convinced of their approach.
and what is the approach? disciplining adjacent positions or forming oneself into a conscience for them. because that's who will put up with your shit. or so you think
I think I haven't been firm enough in telling people like this that I'm not on their side, that I do not belong to their nonexistent movement, that I do not respect their methods.
side-note: could people who like this thread not say "candyman" in my mentions five hundred times? I asked a rhetorical question and I'm not really interested in hosting tankfest 2020 in my mentions
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