So, briefly, a thread on why I still do my inane morning """motivational""" tweets. Because occasionally someone (often ironically from Irony Twitter) shows up steaming mad that I'm doing this while grocery workers and other actually essential employees are on the front lines.
I do it because:
a) I honestly need to mark the day because otherwise it's all gonna melt together like hot plastic
b) I can't just tweet doom and gloom all the damn time, because JFC
c) They're often messages to me as much as (or more than) to you because I need them, tbh
I mean, if someone doesn't like them, I dunno. Life's hard, it's just a tweet. I'd encourage them to block me instead of pissing and moaning about it but hahaha welcome to Twitter, I guess.
Please of course understand I do recognize my privilege here -- I'm lucky to be able to stay at home and exist and not starve in line at a food bank. My tweets aren't trying to undo any of that. Have a good day!
You can follow @ChuckWendig.
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