Well well well! Hello to all of you! It's me, a man who has been RPing for 10 years and knows a lot more about Fight RPs than you do.

So, it's time for me to help this community out when it comes to the enigma that is Fight RP!

Let's get started!
When we first talk about Fight RPs, we have to understand what we're actually dealing with at a surface level. You may look at Fight RPs as something rather simple, for example

Person A: *punches*
Person B: *dodges*

And if you do that, you're VERY wrong!
Fight RPs at surface level are a bit more complicated. You have to understand many things, such as!

1) Character you're fighting
2) What're they capable of
3) The person using the said character
4) The timing.

All of these and more will be explained!
Now, let's say we have two people who're using completely different characters from different verses.

Let's say, Imai Cosmo from Kenganverse, and Tatsumaki from One Punch Man.

And let's say, the people who are using these two characters want to fight! And so they do.
Tatsumaki wins. VERY easily. Tatsumaki absolutely demolishes Imai Cosmo. Want to know why?

Because you're putting a physical fighter who's from a far more realistic verse against one of the strongest psychic characters in a VERY powerful verse.
Now, we have two possible conclusions when it comes to this fight, of course, there are more, but these are the most common ones.

1) Imai Cosmo's writer acknowledges his characters weakness and doesn't make a fuss about it

2) Imai's writer is very pissed and disappointed.
If it's the first one, then good job! You're actually a really good person for understanding the limitations of your character!

And if it's the latter, then I'm sorry to disappoint you even more, but you're a person that no RPer should ever look up to.
The writer has to understand that their character isn't exactly fit to take on every single fighter in the history even though they highly want to.

If you're going to get angered about a Human VS God fight and the God wins, then you're being a little petty, no?
So, this is the first lesson. Understand the fact that your character isn't capable of taking on the other character and live with it, there's nothing to be ashamed for.

You sometimes have to die out those embers, or those embers might cause an entire house to burn down.
But then you're going to ask, is there a solution to avoid this kind of a situation, even though I still want to STILL RP with the said person? Yes. But it get's complicated and here comes the part where Fight RPers should ALWAYS do.

Which is communication.
This is one of the main reasons why Fight RPs are hard and aren't meant for everyone. Communication is key to a good fight RP because you have to discuss so many things with your partner!

And here comes the actual solution to that problem! Ask if they're fine with Equalization!
Now you may ask, what is Equalization? Pretty simple. As mentioned again, Imai Cosmo is from a verse which is far more realistic than unrealistic, and OPM is a verse where some angsty rebel teen can become stronger from getting beaten the crap out of him. You can do this.
You can either move your said character to your opponents verse, OR, ask your opponent if they can move their character down to YOUR verse.

And this can get complicated! Because a lot of people don't want that. It just doesn't make sense to them and.. It won't make much sense-
-for Tatsumaki as well.

Sure, you moved her down to a more human verse but.. She can still hold you back with her ESP and just, crush you. Which means that even the method of equalization isn't perfect.

It has it's minuses, it can raise eyebrows and as you can see..
..It may not even work. Which is why you have to deal with the fact that you can't just.. Fight anyone you want.

You can't fight a literal God with your martial artist. He doesn't care that you can do so many cool, flashy moves. All he needs is a snap.

Moving on.
Now let's talk about one of the more important parts of Fight RPs which I've mentioned many times on my other accounts, but in my eyes, it's still so helpful that it should be mentioned more, which is the categorization of fight RPs. There are 4 of them.

And they are!
1) Constructive Fight RPs
2) Destructive Fight RPs
3) Constructive Destructive Fight RPs
4) Destructive DESTRUCTIVE Fight RPs.

Let's get into the magic now, shall we?
1) Constructive Fight RPs

These are some of the most respectful fight RPs. The Constructive Fight RP involves MOST LIKELY mutuals/friends interacting with each other in DMs while doing the Fight RP, and doing replies like these:

*He throws a punch! Will he dodge?*
*He proceeds to charge at him! Attempting to tackle! Will he dodge..?*

Basically, you get the point. The writer is giving the other writer choices on what to do, and in my opinion..

This is incredibly.. Boring.
There are many flaws with this kind of Roleplaying. One of the most worse ones being is that they take A LOT of time to end. They take such an absurd amounts of time to end that they.. Just end right in the middle of the fight! One of the person 80% of the times WILL leave!
Other one being is that I personally can never get enjoyment out of this kind of an RP. Why? Because I don't like slow paced Fight RPs. I like action, I like combos, I like chains! Yes, Autohitting is fine as long as it's kept to a certain level!

Moving on!
2) Destructive Fight RPs.

These kinds of RPs are what I call the Blind Man RPs. These kinds of RPs are just asking for trouble.

These are the kind of RPs where the writer A has no idea of what writer B is. Let's get into detail here.
Let's say I'm about to fight Hisokka from Hunter x Hunter.

What am I doing right here is being a literal dumbass, because I don't know what I'm dealing with. I've never seen HxH, and I'm dealing with a character of who I have no idea of what they're capable of.
This kind of an RP is a literal disaster because it will just end so badly. And this goes for OC's as well. And OH I'LL GET TO OC'S REAL QUICK AND THE CLUSTERFUCK THAT IT REALLY IS.

Anyways, please for the love of god do your research when you're about to fight someone-
-you don't know.

Next up!

3) Constructive Destructive RP.


This kind of a Fight RP is a literal godsend for me because it involves one of many things! Let's get to 'em!
Constructive Destructive Fight RP includes many positive things, but it isn't exactly for everyone. I'll get to pluses and minuses.

Pluses are that there is of course mutual conversation around the two! They'll talk around, ask questions and ask if they did anything wrong or not
And if you don't, then we're gonna have a tough time here buddy! I highly recommend talking with the other writer.

The second biggest thing that it includes is the fact that there are auto-hits allowed! Auto-hits is a.. VERY sharp double-edged sword.
Main reason being is that you have to keep it at a very steady minimum so that you don't go too far. Don't downright destroy your opponent and let them reply for christs sake!

If I write down a literal 50 page paragraph about how Ronald molests Stain from MHA, it won't be fun!
Go on a very steady minimum, a combo! It will be so much fun, I promise! Because you can use all of your imagination when doing this kind of an RP!

And minus of Auto-hitting is that.. It's just not for everyone! Which is understandable and should be respected.
And if that's the case, please, don't force them to do anything. You can either RP by their own rules or ask them to give your style a try!

And now, I've created a pretty fun idea of allowing auto-hitting in a VERY fair way! Let's get into it!
I call this mechanic..

Actually I don't have a name for it. Because I was first about to call it the Dice Combo, but then I realized that the Dice really isn't needed, a coin is a better choice.

Basically, the Writer A and the Writer B, need to have a Flip-a-Coin website-

Both of them have at least 3/5 coins, and here's the catch.

Any of the writers can use these coins to decide if they can do a combo/chain action reply or not. And here's the catch, there's luck included in there too!

Heads - Allowed
Tails - Not allowed
This can bring a bit of a fairness into the fight, meaning that they can't just pull out a coin out of nowhere and instantly be allowed to use the damn thing 5 times consecutively. And if you're going to complain that you're not getting any, well, sorrydude. Sort it out with-
-the other writer! They'll decide if they'll give you an extra coin or not! It forces communication which will be always good!

So here's a method on how to make auto-hits in RP a bit more.. Fun and fair. And now, LETS GET INTO THE PAIN, THE HORROR OF RPS.


*punches you and kills you and you can kill me and i am god*

-On a more serious note. If you're this kind of an RPer, you have SO much more to learn.

This often plagues the beginner Roleplayers who still can't even go over a single goddamn line when it comes to replies, and you'd be surprised that people who've been RPing-
For over a year now also suffer this kind of a problem! Why? It's just because who they are! And can you change them? Yes!

But will it be hard? Absolutely!

main reason being that most of these people are actually more than toxic than anything and have OP OCs! Oh.. The OCs.
We'll get back to you right after these messages!
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