Let's hop northwards to Crackley Woods... It is precisely the same story.

HS2 is acting as a connection between habitats, reducing fragmentation and creating far more protected green space than the wee corner it removes.

#StandForTheTrees #NHSnotHS2 (why not both?)
I'm not saying there will be no disruption, but the actual plans show how tiny the impact really is compared to HS2's massive local and national environmental and climate benefits. https://twitter.com/GarethDennis/status/1206959258832691200
Usefully enough, this aerial video made by protester " @bearwitness2019" nicely shows the extent to which HS2's alignment skirts around the bulk of the valuable habitat at Crackley Woods (which is where I think the shot is from):
Ignore the audio, it is complete rubbish that sounds like it's coming from the mouth of genuine racist and xenophobe Lizzy Williams (of STOPHS2 infamy).

HS2 has an average width of 19m, thus 40000 acres is the equivalent of 8520km of high speed line. HS2 is only ~560km long 🧐
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